Once upon a 
time a poor farmer was plowing his field . when he hit something hard it was a large metal pot what's this a metal pot I wonder if there is something more valuable underneath in the hope that he could find something more valuable the farmer dug deeper and wider tired after hours of searching the farmer decided to rest .he left his faith in the pot and lay down under the tree a while later when he got up and went back to the pot he was surprised how is this possible the pot is full of hundreds of spades I had left only one in it looks like this is a magical pot let me see what will happen if I put a mango in it and just as the farmer at heart a one mango turned into hundreds of mangoes when he left it in the pot this is truly a magical pot I will take it home and use it to tide over our troubles the farmer went home and hid the pot at a safe place he then went to the market and sold the mangoes he earned a handsome sum for them on the way back he brought some grains he went home and put each one of them in the pot one by one
soon he had enough of brains to last his family for the rest of the year the farmer called his wife and told her everything that has happened this is a blessing we should use it wisely to become rich but also keep it safely hidden the farmer agreed with his wife over the year he slowly started putting things in the pot fruits vegetables textiles and in some years he turned around his family's fortune though they had been secretive and very careful about the magic part people started noticing how they had become rich and soon the secret was out it even reached the King

such a powerful magical pot should be a part of the Kings Treasury the farmer has no right to keep it only I have the right to own that but the king ordered the soldier to bring the pot to the palace the soldiers stormed into the farmers home and confiscated the pot they brought it to the king let me see what is inside the pot that makes it so magical once I find what it is I will become a hundred times more powerful the King peered over the pot and looked into it as he did he lost his balance and fell into the pot as he fell he hit his head on the edge of the pot and became unconscious when he woke up he saw that there were hundreds of jeans like him they all fought each other to get to the throne and like soon the news reached the farmer and his wife should we get the pot back now the king was foolish and his curiosity killed him but it is not safe to keep the pot anymore we have enough money and riches to take care of us and our many next generations let us leave the pot with in the Kings Treasury .
Oh Thank You  that was indeed an 
inspiring story and I feel much better .


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